Reasons Why You Should Consider Taking A Course On Big Data & Analytics

$136 billion per year. That was the size of the big data market worldwide in 2016, according to a report published by the International Data Corporation (IDC). Considering the time users spend online on multiple apps that collect data, this number doesn’t come as a surprise. A report published by IBM shows that the volume of data produced every year by companies in the United States alone can fill ten thousand Libraries of Congress.

That being said, here’s another honestly surprising statistic; between 60% to 73% of all the data collected by most companies is unused, according to research conducted by Forrester. Yes, all that data that could help companies provide better service to their customers, increase profits and prevent losses is just sitting there. One of the primary reasons for this is that these companies don’t know how to use this data well. And, that’s where analytics professionals come in!

So, why is a career in Big Data & Analytics so crucial for companies? Here are the top three reasons why companies are on the constant look-out for professionals in the analytics field:

The Wave of Big Data & Analytics

Understand The Market Trends

With the help of analyzing data, companies can forecast market trends well in advance. Hence, they can make customizations to their services or products depending on customer preference and product effectiveness. Moreover, the data can also help companies understand purchasing patterns, which will help them know which product should be launched when depending on the ideal target audience. Big Data helps in effective planning and fend off the competition.

Understand The Customer

With the help of the insights derived from Big Data, companies get an in-depth understanding of customer behavior. They get answers to questions like, “does the customer like the product?”, “is the customer happy with the price point?”. “what changes would the customer want to make in the product?”. This allows companies to make alterations and create strategies to ensure increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Adopt Cost-Saving Measures

When a company first initiates measures to collect and analyze data, the cost can be high. However, the insights are incredibly beneficial, making the initial cost worth the investment. Big Data Analytics can also help the company adopt cost-saving measures, which lead to better profits.

Now that you know why this field is popular with companies across the globe, here are four reasons why you should opt for a big data & analytics course and be part of this million-dollar industry:

Why Taking A Big Data & Analytics Course Should Be Your Next Career Move

1. The Increasing Demand For Skilled Resources

The importance of analyzing data cannot be denied. Multiple companies have benefitted by making data-driven decisions. Hence, more and more companies are willing to invest time and money on resources that can effectively analyze data and help businesses understand the market and user behavior. Hence, every year, the job opportunities in this field increase. A study conducted by on the job trend for Big Data Analytics shows that there is a growing trend of professionals in this field and an increasing number of job opportunities.

2. Close The Demand V.S. Supply Gap

As mentioned above, the demand for trained Big Data professionals is vast and is growing tenfold every year. However, there is a significant gap in the availability of resources that are skilled enough to fulfil the criteria of this job effectively. This gap is all across the world and is not limited to any one geographical location. Hence, while there are a plethora of opportunities in this field, looking at the current scenario, there is little to no competition.

3. High Salary For The “Hot” Job

The high demand for skilled data analytical resources and the deficit of such employees has resulted in boosting of wages for qualified professionals. In short, companies are willing the pay the big buck if you have the right skillset.

4. A Plethora of Job Opportunities

The Big Data & Analytics field is massive, with multiple streams of study, research, and development. You can primarily choose from three types of data study, depending on the industry and niche you are working in; prescriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and descriptive analytics.

Hence, from a career point of view, you have multiple options to start or grow into. Mentioned below are some of the popular job titles and roles you can adopt in the Big Data & Analytics industry:

  • Big Data Analytics Business Consultant
  • Big Data Analytics Architect
  • Big Data Engineer
  • Big Data Solution Architect
  • Big Data Analyst
  • Analytics Associate
  • Business Intelligence and Analytics Consultant
  • Metrics and Analytics Specialist

No matter how advanced computers get, the need for the human mind will always exist to work in sync with the advancing technology. Moreover, with more and more companies starting to realize the importance of Big Data & Analytics, this is the perfect time to join this industry. All you need to do is sign up for a course at N.L. Dalmia Institute, where we cover all the necessary training required to be a skilled asset in this field! To know more, you can read our brochure or contact us today!

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